Persimmon / Sharon Fruit 1 × $1
Subtotal: $1
The flavour and scent of the mango is plentiful and complex and caused by substances which belong to the groups of aldehydes, esters and volatile alcohol esters. When the fruit is fully ripe they reach their peak. Due to its exceptionally richness in provitamin A and vitamin C the mango provides an “extra security” regarding these two vitamins. The activity of vitamin C is most improved by the presence of “vitamin P” substances which potentiate its action. Just half a mango (about 180 g which means 120 g net) is enough to receive the entire recommended daily intake of provitamin A, and 2/3 of the total recommended daily intake of vitamin C. The needs for vitamin C and provitamin A are significantly elevated in smokers, pregnant women and young people during their growth so that the mango fits especially well into their diets. Mangos can be recommended for their “preventive action” vis-à-vis premature cell aging, some cancers, and atherosclerosis. It indeed contains high amounts of vitamins with beneficial antioxidant properties (vitamin C and vitamin E, provitamin A and other carotenoids), and abundant fibre.
BeFresh offers its clients the following varieties:
Variety Color Taste/weight (gr) Weight (gr) Availability
Tommy Nice attractive peel color of green with red cheek texture Light taste + fibres 350-660 July – August
Kent Green with small red cheek Fiber-less and sweet 350-660 August – September
Maya Attractive tropical peel colors of yellow with red blush texture Fiber-less and juicy 250-450 July – August
Shelly As a unique green and red color Fiber-less and fine gentle taste 350-660 July – September
Lily Special skin colors that include dominant green and red cheek Fiber-less and rich taste 350-660 August
Keitt Green with small red cheek Fiber-less and sweet with best brix and acid ratio 400-1000 September – October
Noa Nice attractive peel color of green with red cheek texture Fiber-less and juicy 480-900 July – August
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