Просмотр корзины Вы отложили “Редис” в свою корзину.
Просмотр корзины Вы отложили “Редис” в свою корзину.

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BeFresh offers its clients the following varieties:
Variety Color Taste/weight (gr) Weight (gr) Availability
Tommy Nice attractive peel color of green with red cheek texture Light taste + fibres 350-660 July – August
Kent Green with small red cheek Fiber-less and sweet 350-660 August – September
Maya Attractive tropical peel colors of yellow with red blush texture Fiber-less and juicy 250-450 July – August
Shelly As a unique green and red color Fiber-less and fine gentle taste 350-660 July – September
Lily Special skin colors that include dominant green and red cheek Fiber-less and rich taste 350-660 August
Keitt Green with small red cheek Fiber-less and sweet with best brix and acid ratio 400-1000 September – October
Noa Nice attractive peel color of green with red cheek texture Fiber-less and juicy 480-900 July – August

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